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Install the Bathroom Sink to the Wall: Wall-mount Bathroom Sink

2022-07-13 17:27:34
Unlike under-mount sinks, top-mount sinks and vessel sinks, which are installed with the support of countertops, wall-mount sinks are attached to the wall. Actually, quite a few consumers are fond of this kind of sinks. They are chic bathroom sink options.   
What benefits do wall-mount sinks have?
1. Save space
There’s no denying that most people choose wall-mount sinks for their bathrooms due to their space-saving. Indeed, wall-mount sinks are as great space-savers as pedestal sinks since they don’t need extra countertop space.   
2. Easy to install and swap out
Wall-mount sinks are easy to install and swap out. Whenever you want to replace the broken or old wall-mount sink, it can’t be a troublesome process. To learn more about the process of installing a wall-mount sink, keep on reading.
3. Cleaning the floor is much easier
There is no countertop or cabinet beneath the wall-mount sink. The open floor is much easier to clean and it makes it possible to clean each corner of the floor!   
4. Affordable
Generally speaking, wall-mount sinks are at affordable prices. If you are on a budget on remodeling your kitchen, a wall-mount sink won’t be a bad option.
What disadvantages do wall-mount sinks have?
1. No storage room
As I mentioned above, wall-mount sinks save space for countertop. However, that also means there is no storage room. Therefore, an extra separate cabinet is needed if you want to store your stuff.
2. Hazard of falling down
Although it’s rarely seen, it happens that the wall-mount sink falls down, which may hurt the one who is around it. It is especially dangerous for kids. Therefore, it must be ensured that the sink is firmly attached and the owner needs to check it regularly.  
How to install a wall-mount sink?
The installation of a wall-mount sink is roughly:
1. Get the wall ready: expose the wall and add blocking
2. Secure the sink on the wall
3. Install the plumbing system
4. Check in case of any leaking   

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