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What Types of Kitchen Sinks will You Recommend to Your Customers?

2022-05-16 10:24:01
What Types of Kitchen Sinks will You Recommend to Your Customers?
Before making a recommendation, it’s necessary for you to make it clear how many classifications of kitchen sinks can be divided into. Take the following summary as a reference!
Kitchen sinks can come in various materials. They can be stainless steel sinks, ceramic sinks, granite sinks, granite composite sinks, cast iron sinks, fireclay sinks and so on. Among these sinks of different materials, the most common one for kitchens are stainless steel sinks, which have quite high cost performance.

Numbers of bowls
According to the numbers of bowls, kitchen sinks can be categorized into single-bowl sinks, double-bowl sinks and even triple-bowl sinks. Normally speaking, the number of bowls of a sink varies with size. Besides, there are uncommonly-seen corner sinks which are set in the corner of the counter and usually have two bowls.     
In general, kitchen sinks can be divided into top-mount sinks (drop-in sinks/ self-rimming sinks), the rims of which are under the counters, and under-mount sinks (under-counter sinks) which are installed above the counters, based on their different ways of installation.  
Shapes and colors
Sinks are more complicated when divided by appearance, especially when it comes to vessel sinks. Kitchen sinks can be round, rectangular, oval and so on in shape. And in terms of color, kitchen sinks can be white, gold, etc.  
Apart from the above sinks, there are farmhouse sinks, bar sinks, integrated sinks, and so on, which are different in function from ordinary sinks.  

Some sinks are easy to be found in a shop, such as stainless steel sink, ceramic sink, etc., while others need to be customized. As for which type of kitchen sink to recommend to customers, I think it’s better to combine both customers’ conditions and preferences. How big is the kitchen of the customer? Does the customer prefer cost performance or personality? Therefore, get to know about the customer first before making a recommendation.      

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