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How To Select a Ceramic Sink?

2019-09-24 10:34:33
Ceramic sink is the main trend in bathroom remodels, because it’s stain-resistant, durable and easy to clean with unique and elegant look. However, do you know well how to select a ceramic sink?
Above of all, the excellent glazed surface is the key to determine the quality: glossy, clean and pure color without any cracks, sand holes or yellow dot. What’ s more, when you touch the glazed surface, it should be flat, smooth and delicate without granular sensation. You can also knock on the sinks to judge the quality and it usually sounds clear and sonorous for good ceramic sink.
Besides, the water-absorption rate is another important indicator to test the quality. With more water absorbed and expansion of ceramic, it will cause the cracks on glazed surface. Thus, the ceramic sink with lower water-absorption rate is a better option and it should be less than 3% for high-grade ceramic product.

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