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Try the Four Fixtures to Modernize Your Bathroom

2022-09-21 16:54:34
Planning to make your bathroom modernized and more convenient but don’t know where to start from? Try to start from the following four fixtures.
1. Bathroom vanity
A bathroom vanity, is a very important fixture for the bathroom. It carries heavy and many tasks. We brush our teeth, wash our face and hands, and even put on makeup there. Therefore, to modernize the bathroom, we should not ignore this part.
Traditional bathroom vanity usually comes in two parts of a cabinet and a sink resting on the cabinet. To modernize the bathroom, we may consider installing a wall-mount bathroom vanity. Wall-mount bathroom vanities, namely floating bathroom vanities, are installed on the wall, above the ground. Such vanities make it easier to clean the floor and save bathroom space.
There are a wide variety of sinks on the market, and you may make the choice based on your needs or preference.  
2. Bathroom faucet
A bathroom faucet is another good starting point for you to make your bathroom modernized. With the development of technology, bathroom faucets are getting increasingly smarter and more affordable at the same time.
Smart faucets are quite practical. With a smart faucet, we don’t need to turn it down and turn it off, and worry about accidentally leaving the tap running. Nowadays, many modern bathrooms are installed with smart faucets.  
3. Bathroom toilet
Apart from the addition of a smart bathroom faucet, we can also add a smart bathroom toilet. Today, some smart toilets are outfitted with sensors that activate the flushing system. Therefore, they are able to flush automatically. For other toilets, we can make them flush only by waving our hands in front of them.
4. Bathroom shower
It’s so relaxing to take a shower after a long tough day. Sometimes, however, that becomes a luxury due to the busy life, especially when the bathroom shower goes wrong somehow. Thus we should pay much attention to the selection of the bathroom shower. Modern bathroom showers are not only functional but also water-saving.

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